Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

meatus acusticus internus (par)

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Home page TNA partonomy
Top level systema nervosum
Level 2 organum vestibulocochleare (par) Short Extended
Level 3 auris interna (par) Short Extended
Current level meatus acusticus internus (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
53163 35287 576
meatus acusticus internus (par)
méat acoustique interne (paire)
53162 35290 575
porus acusticus internus (par)
pore acoustique interne (paire)
77753 26111 7291
fundus meatus acustici interni (par)
fond du méat acoustique interne (paire)
77747 31052 7292
crista transversa (par)
crête transverse (paire)
77749 31055 7294
crista verticalis (par)
crête verticale (paire)
77748 31049 7293
area facialis (par)
aire faciale (paire)
77750 31058 7295
area vestibularis superior (par)
aire vestibulaire supérieure (paire)
77751 31061 7296
area vestibularis inferior (par)
aire vestibulaire inférieure (paire)
75352 31064 7297
foramen singulare (par)
foramen singulier (paire)
77752 31067 7298
area cochlearis (par) ; area cochleae (par)
aire cochléaire (paire)
77746 31070 7299
tractus spiralis foraminosus (par)
voie spirale foramineuse (paire)
11 lines
100.0 %
100.0 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
In ENT Surgery, the Crista verticalis is known as 'Bill's bar' (after William House). It separates the Superior portion of the meatus into an anterior channel for the Facial nerve and a posterior channel for the Superior vestibular nerve.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 576
Number of children 32 (validated)
Number of units 11 (validated)
Invalid signature 1741 (stored value 1739)
Date: 10.09.2021